At SHEQ Aspen-Thorn, we can offer the specialist service of advising on health and safety risks throughout your projects to ensure compliance.
The principal designer/CDMC is responsible for health and safety during the project’s pre-construction phase. One of the key changes introduced by the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM) is the replacement of the role of CDM co-ordinator with the role of principal designer.
The reason for the change is so that someone with an existing knowledge and practical use of design can be responsible for health and safety in the design phase. We are proud to offer this additional service.
As your principal designer, we will offer specialist CDM advice to:
Assist you in understanding your increased regulatory duties, including in the preparation of the pre-construction information pack
Identify, eliminate or control, so far as reasonably practicable, foreseeable risks to the health and safety of those constructing, maintaining or demolishing a structure
Ensure the cooperation and collaboration of everyone working on the project
Ensure that all designers, contractors and supply-chain members comply with their risk management duties
Compile and review the health and safety file as your project progresses. Once it’s complete, we will pass the health and safety file to you to keep
Provide prompt pre-construction information to everyone designing and constructing a structure
Liaise with the principal contractor for the duration of the project
Services we offer:
Client project information
Site investigation
Pre-construction information record
Construction phase health and safety plan record
Construction phase health and safety plan review record
Compliance audits
Health and safety file contents
Principal designer